Biomech Launch
Biomechanics ·Biomech Launch was a pilot project aimed at creating an open resource for clinicians and researchers in the biomechanics field. The key feature was a bi-weekly newsletter of biomechanic technology news.
Biomechanics ·My research in the Structure and Motion Laboratory at the RVC was part of a grant studying the evolution and development of sesamoid bones in vertebrates, led by Prof John Hutchinson. I studied the knee joint of ostriches in order to gain insight into how and why their knee sesamoids (i.e. patellae) develop. This project began with a detailed anatomical...
Ray Locomotion
Biomechanics ·My undergraduate research experience took place in the Multi-scale Muscle Mechanics Lab at UVA, led by Dr. Silvia Blemker. I began my experience by helping a PhD candidate construct an artificial batoid ray fin from purchased, CNC machined, and 3D printed parts for experimental validation of computational research. I soon began researching my own topic on this project, studying the...
Force Plate
Biomechanics ·At the RVC Structure and Motion Lab, I was tasked with building a 6-axis force plate to measure ground reaction forces in salamanders. This was a part of a project led by Prof. John Hutchinson and Dr. Stephanie Pierce investigating early tetrapod locomotion.
Augmented Textbook
AR ·This was a proof-of-concept app that I created to demonstrate how animated 3d assets can improve the traditional learning experience. The app was built for Android in Unity, using the ARCore SDK.
Breathing Biofeedback
AR ·Prototype app created for the Mira Prism HMD. Wim Hof guides the user in breathing exercises while a breathing panda gives the user feedback on their breaths.
AR ·For the 2018 Creating Reality Hackathon at USC, I teamed up with two car designers to create augmented reality tool.
Snap Lens
AR ·A Snapchat lens made in Snapchat’s “Lens Studio” software.
AR ·A project for creators. Use the Google Poly API on the Mira Prism augmented reality headset to import assets and create a 3d environment.
Leadership ·XRLA is the largest AR/VR/ImmersiveTech group in Los Angeles. The other co-founders and I formed the group after participating in the 2018 Creating Reality Hackathon and saw a need for a cohesive XR community in Los Angeles. Since then, the community has grown very quickly with a growing Slack workspace and monthly Meetups for networking and panels of prominent XR...
VR ·TherapyFlow is a clinical tool for making hand therapy more engaging, accessible, and quantifiable. It takes the common exercises prescribed to patients and gamifies them, in a way that is completely configurable by the therapist.
VR ·This study set out to design an intuative, easy to use, VR surgical toolbox. In my experience, many VR interfaces and interaction methods are not intuative and require a learning curve to be overcome, especially for users who do not use VR recreationally. In order for users such as surgeons to feel comfortable using a technology, it must become so...
VR ·This project was made for the ATT 5G Hackathon in October, 2019.